10–11 February 2018, Minsk
The largest JavaScript/Front-end conference in Belarus. Two full days of delicious content for amazing people of the front-end scene.
On behalf of Minsk front-end/JavaScript community, The Rolling Scopes crew is glad to announce the upcoming RSConf2018 front-end conference! February 2017 was too awesome to do it just once :)
Read the review about RSConf 2017 and watch the video on our Youtube channel.
Minsk, Belarus
London, United Kingdom
Minsk, Belarus
Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Moscow, Russia
Minsk, Belarus
Minsk, Belarus
Berlin, Germany
Praspiekt Niezaliežnasci 25, Minsk
Minsk is the capital and the largest city in Belarus with population over 2 million. It is a progressive, modern and clean place that's easy to become fond of.
Learn more about the city, food and attractions.
Join our Slack channel #rsconf and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to be the first to learn the news.
If you don't have access to frontendbelarus.slack.com, please, register here: www.frontendbelarus.herokuapp.com
Jonasz Kujawski @zachwytupiewca · February 11, 2018Thank you for inviting me on @rollingscopes . Really proffesional event - "kłębki" style intro really impressive! #rsconf2018 pic.twitter.com/HtL6OxDhsY
DaQuirm @da_quirm · February 11, 2018#rsconf2018 is over, see you all next year and a special thank you to everyone who woke up early and came to listen about monads!
Cissy The Fox @foxcissy · February 19, 2017Hey #rsconf2017 -" how you doin?" - don't forget to check @mozilla's booth and take a picture! 📸 Do you like mine? #rsconf #rollingscopes pic.twitter.com/WF1BcODgGU
Denys Dovhan @denysdovhan · February 17, 2017Hey #RSConf2017, I have A LOT OF STICKERS and I'm open for exchange! 👀😮😱 #rsconf @rollingscopes pic.twitter.com/kSFMJYrsdW
Gabriel Mičko @gabriel_micko · February 19, 2017ECMA script history & features, async, NodeJS ⚒ @rauschma on the stage at #rsconf. pic.twitter.com/xyWQSaPyVe
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Our hashtag on social media is #rollingscopes. Or contact us directly on our email rolling.scopes@gmail.com
Join our Slack channel #rsconf.
If you don't have access to frontendbelarus.slack.com, please, register here.